Export realtime game statistics to disk in JSON and other formats.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

130 lines
2.6 KiB

var Stream = require('stream')
, macros = require('./macros')
, lynx = macros.lynx
, port = macros.udpServerPort
, udpServer = macros.udpServer
, test = macros.test
, fixture_send = require('./fixtures/stream-send.json')
, fixture_recv = require('./fixtures/stream-recv.json')
var server = udpServer(function () {});
// ### function createDelayedStream()
// Creates a stream that reads stuff in fixtures and emits each line every
// 10ms or so
function createDelayedStream() {
// Make a new plain vanilla readable stream
var delayed_stream = new Stream();
delayed_stream.readable = true;
// Set an interval to emit every 10ms or so
var interval = setInterval(function () {
var current = fixture_send.shift();
if(current) {
// Emit the current stream
delayed_stream.emit('data', current);
else {
// We have nothing else to emit, so close this thing
}, 10);
return delayed_stream;
// ### function createTestStream(t)
// #### @t {Object} A tap test assertion
// Tests if the things being passed to this stream match expectations
function createTestStream(t) {
// Make a new plain vanilla writable stream
var test_stream = new Stream();
test_stream.writable = true;
// Handle `Stream.prototype.write`
test_stream.write = function (buf) {
var expected = fixture_recv.shift();
t.equal(expected, buf.toString(), ' should be equal to ' + expected);
if(fixture_recv.length === 0) {
// Handle `Stream.prototype.end`
// And we should end our tests here
test_stream.end = function end(buf) {
if (arguments.length) {
// Close our server socket
// End our little experiment
test_stream.writable = false;
// Handle `Stream.prototype.destroy`
test_stream.destroy = function () {
test_stream.writable = false;
return test_stream;
test('streams', function (t) {
// ### function on_error(err)
// #### @err {Error} Error object
// Assertion to run if we get any errors
function on_error(err) {
t.equal({}, err, "didn't expect any errors");
// End early
// Our connection
var conn = new lynx('localhost', port, {on_error: on_error});