Export realtime game statistics to disk in JSON and other formats.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

110 lines
2.7 KiB

var macros = require('./macros')
, statsd = require('statsd-parser')
, lynx = macros.lynx
, test = macros.test
, udpServer = macros.udpServer
, connection = macros.connection
, count = 0
, finished = false
// TOTAL is the number of iterations to do
// DESIRED is the minimum number of requests expected
// SAMPLE Number of samples to send, e.g. @0.1 (1 in 10)
var DESIRED = 90
, TOTAL = 1000
, SAMPLE = 0.1
// Try to do this a thousand times
// [1,2,3,...,1000]
var coll = [];
for(i=0; i<TOTAL; i++) {
// Remove console.log from errors, plenty of nothing to send here
connection.on_error = function () {};
// We are going to do one thousand `TOTAL` packets
// and see if we hit our minimums
// When you specify sampling `lynx` must track that it only send the amount
// of packages you are specifying (e.g. 1 in each 10 for @0.1 as in `SAMPLE`)
// To do this we use random numbers, making our process not perfect but
// accurate enough
// Because of the randomness that is used to select which packets are sent
// this can never be an exact test and might break while the code is
// perfectly fine
test('sampling', function (t) {
var server = udpServer(function (message, remote) {
// Add, check if its a valid statsd message and includes sample rate
// that is teh same as being tested
var match = statsd.matchStatsd(message.toString());
t.ok(match, message.toString());
t.equal(SAMPLE.toString(), match.sample_rate);
// When we finally hit our lower threshold
if(count > DESIRED) {
finished = true;
t.ok(true, 'Reached ' + DESIRED + ' on ' + (TOTAL - coll.length) +
' packets.');
// Run all the iterations
var runAll = function(coll, callback) {
(function iterate() {
if (coll.length === 0) {
return callback();
setTimeout(function send_packet() {
// Send a sample
connection.gauge('spl.foo', 500, SAMPLE);
}, Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10));
runAll(coll, function() {
if (finished) {
t.ok(true, 'Reached ' + DESIRED + ' on ' + TOTAL + ' packets.');
// If we reached the end and this has not closed by having
// the desired amount of requests
t.ok(false, 'Didnt reach the desired amount of packets ' + DESIRED +
'/' + TOTAL + ' was -> ' + count);
// TODO: Sampling with irregular batches