Export realtime game statistics to disk in JSON and other formats.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

664 lines
16 KiB

var dgram = require('dgram')
, Stream = require('stream').Stream
, util = require('util')
, parser = require('statsd-parser')
// `Math.random` doesn't cut it, based on tests from sampling.js
// Variations are wild for large data sets
, mersenne = require('mersenne')
, mt = new mersenne.MersenneTwister19937()
, noop = function noop() {}
function makeError(opts) {
var error = new Error(opts.message);
error.f = opts.f;
error.args = opts.args;
return error;
// Max idle time for a ephemeral socket
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ constructors ~~
// ### constructor Lynx(host, port, socket)
// #### @host {String} Server host name
// #### @port {Number} Server port
// #### @options {Object} Aditional options
// #### @options.socket {Object} Optional socket if we want to share
// #### @options.on_error {Function} A function to execute on errors
// #### @options.scope {String} define the a prefix for all stats,
// e.g. with `scope` 'product1' and stat 'somestat' the key would
// actually be 'product1.somestat'.
// var client = new lynx('localhost', 8125);
// Returns a new `Lynx` client
function Lynx(host, port, options) {
if (!(this instanceof Lynx)) {
return new Lynx(host, port, options);
var self = this;
// Server hostname and port
this.host = host || '';
this.port = port || 8125;
// Optional shared socket
this.socket = options && options.socket;
// Handle prefix
this.scope = options && options.scope || options && options.prefix || '';
// groups in graphite are delimited by `.` so we need to make sure our
// scope ends with `.`. If it doesn't we just add it (unless we have no
// scope defined).
if(typeof this.scope === 'string' && this.scope !== '' &&
!/\.$/.test(this.scope)) {
this.scope += '.';
// When a *shared* socked isn't provided, an ephemeral
// socket is demand allocated. This ephemeral socket is closed
// after being idle for EPHEMERAL_LIFETIME_MS.
this.ephemeral_socket = undefined;
this.last_used_timer = undefined;
// Set out error handling code
this.on_error = options && typeof options.on_error === 'function'
? options.on_error
: this._default_error_handler
// Stream properties
this.readable = true;
this.writable = true;
this.parser = parser.createStream();
this.parser.on('error', this.on_error);
this.parser.on('stat', function (text, stat_obj) {
var stat = {};
// Construct a statsd value|type pair
stat[stat_obj.stat] = stat_obj.value + '|' + stat_obj.type;
// Add sample rate if one exists
if(stat_obj.sample_rate) {
stat[stat_obj.stat] += '@' + stat_obj.sample_rate;
self.send(stat, parseFloat(stat_obj.sample_rate));
else {
util.inherits(Lynx, Stream);
// ### constructor Timer(stat, sample_rate)
// #### @stat {String} Stat key, in `foo:1|ms` would be foo
// #### @sample_rate {Number} Determines the sampling rate, e.g. how many
// packets should be sent. If set to 0.1 it sends 1 in each 10.
// var client = new lynx('localhost', 8125);
// var timer = client.Timer('foo');
// //
// // Sends something like: `foo:100|ms` via udp to the server
// //
// setTimeout(function {
// timer.stop();
// }, 100);
// Returns a timer. When stopped, this transmits an interval
Lynx.prototype.createTimer = function createTimer(stat, sample_rate) {
var self = this
, start_time = new Date ().getTime()
, stopped = false
, duration
, start_hrtime
if (typeof process.hrtime === "function") {
var start_hrtime = process.hrtime();
// ### function stop()
// Stops the timer and issues the respective interval.
// Check example above
function stop() {
// If timer is already stopped just ignore the request
if(stopped) {
makeError({ message : "Can't stop a timer twice"
, f : 'stop'
// Calculate duration
if (start_hrtime) {
var stop_hrtime = process.hrtime()
, seconds = stop_hrtime[0] - start_hrtime[0]
, nanos = stop_hrtime[1] - start_hrtime[1]
duration = seconds * 1000 + nanos / 1000000
} else {
duration = new Date ().getTime() - start_time;
// Emit
self.timing(stat, duration, sample_rate);
// So no one stops a timer twice (causing two emits)
stopped = true;
// The closure that is returned
return {
stat : stat
, sample_rate : sample_rate
, start_time : start_time
, stop : stop
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ api ~~
// ### function increment(stats, sample_rate)
// #### @stats {String|Array} Stat key, in `foo:1|ms` would be foo
// Optionally an array of `stats`.
// #### @sample_rate {Number} Determines the sampling rate, e.g. how many
// packets should be sent. If set to 0.1 it sends 1 in each 10.
// var client = new lynx('localhost', 8125);
// client.increment('getho');
// client.increment(['not', 'cool']);
// Incremenents the desired stat(s)
Lynx.prototype.increment = function increment(stats, sample_rate) {
this.count(stats, 1, sample_rate);
// ### function decrement(stats, sample_rate)
// #### @stats {String|Array} Stat key, in `foo:1|ms` would be foo
// Optionally an array of `stats`.
// #### @sample_rate {Number} Determines the sampling rate, e.g. how many
// packets should be sent. If set to 0.1 it sends 1 in each 10.
// var client = new lynx('localhost', 8125);
// client.decrement('hey.you');
// Decrements the desired stat(s)
Lynx.prototype.decrement = function decrement(stats, sample_rate) {
this.count(stats, -1, sample_rate);
// ### function count(stats, delta, sample_rate)
// #### @stats {String|Array} Stat key, in `foo:1|ms` would be foo
// Optionally an array of `stats`.
// #### @delta {Number} Amount to add (or remove) from given stat
// #### @sample_rate {Number} Determines the sampling rate, e.g. how many
// packets should be sent. If set to 0.1 it sends 1 in each 10.
// var client = new lynx('localhost', 8125);
// client.count('python.fun', -100);
// Sends counting information to statsd. Normally this is invoked via
// `increment` or `decrement`
Lynx.prototype.count = function count(stats, delta, sample_rate) {
// If we are given a string stat (key) then transform it into array
if (typeof stats === 'string') {
stats = [stats];
// By now stats must be an array
if(!Array.isArray(stats)) {
// Error: Can't set if its not even an array by now
makeError({ message : "Can't set if its not even an array by now"
, f : 'count'
, args : arguments
// Delta is required and must exist or we will send crap to statsd
if (typeof delta!=='number' && typeof delta!=='string' || isNaN(delta)) {
// Error: Must be either a number or a string, we cant send other stuff
makeError({ message : 'Must be either a number or a string'
, f : 'count'
, args : arguments
// Batch up all these stats to send
var batch = {};
for(var i in stats) {
batch[stats[i]] = delta + '|c';
// Send all these stats
this.send(batch, sample_rate);
// ### function timing(stat, duration, sample_rate)
// #### @stat {String} Stat key, in `foo:1|ms` would be foo
// #### @duration {Number} Timing duration in ms.
// #### @sample_rate {Number} Determines the sampling rate, e.g. how many
// packets should be sent. If set to 0.1 it sends 1 in each 10.
// var client = new lynx('localhost', 8125);
// client.timing('foo.bar.time', 500);
// Sends timing information for a given stat.
Lynx.prototype.timing = function timing(stat, duration, sample_rate) {
var stats = {};
stats[stat] = duration + '|ms';
this.send(stats, sample_rate);
// ### function set(stat, value, sample_rate)
// #### @stat {String} Stat key, in `foo:1|s` would be foo
// #### @value {Number} Value for this set
// #### @sample_rate {Number} Determines the sampling rate, e.g. how many
// packets should be sent. If set to 0.1 it sends 1 in each 10.
// var client = new lynx('localhost', 8125);
// client.set('set1.bar', 567);
// Set for a specific stat
Lynx.prototype.set = function set(stat, value, sample_rate) {
var stats = {};
stats[stat] = value + '|s';
this.send(stats, sample_rate);
// ### function gauge(stat, value, sample_rate)
// #### @stat {String} Stat key, in `foo:1|g` would be foo
// #### @value {Number} Value for this set
// #### @sample_rate {Number} Determines the sampling rate, e.g. how many
// packets should be sent. If set to 0.1 it sends 1 in each 10.
// var client = new lynx('localhost', 8125);
// client.gauge('gauge1.bar', 567);
// Send a gauge to statsd
Lynx.prototype.gauge = function gauge(stat, value, sample_rate) {
var stats = {};
stats[stat] = value + '|g';
this.send(stats, sample_rate);
// ### function send(stats, sample_rate)
// #### @stats {Object} A stats object
// #### @sample_rate {Number} Determines the sampling rate, e.g. how many
// packets should be sent. If set to 0.1 it sends 1 in each 10.
// var lynx = require('lynx');
// var client = new lynx('localhost', 8125);
// client.send(
// { "foo" : "1|c"
// , "bar" : "-1|c"
// , "baz" : "500|ms"
// });
// Will sample this data for a given sample_rate. If a random generated
// number matches that sample_rate then stats get returned and the sample
// rate gets appended ("|@0.5" in this case). Else we get an empty object.
Lynx.prototype.send = function send(stats, sample_rate) {
var self = this
, sampled_stats = Lynx.sample(stats, sample_rate)
, all_stats = Object.keys(sampled_stats)
// Data to be sent
, send_data
// If this object is empty (enumerable properties)
if(all_stats.length === 0) {
// Error: Nothing to send
makeError({ message : 'Nothing to send'
, f : 'send'
, args : arguments
// Construct our send request
// If we have multiple stats send them in the same udp package
// This is achieved by having newline separated stats.
send_data = all_stats.map(function construct_stat(stat) {
return self.scope + stat + ':' + sampled_stats[stat];
// Encode our data to a buffer
var buffer = new Buffer(send_data, 'utf8')
, socket
// Do we already have a socket object we can use?
if (this.socket === undefined) {
// Do we have an ephemeral socket we can use?
if (!this.ephemeral_socket) {
// Create one
this.ephemeral_socket = dgram.createSocket('udp4');
// Register on error: Failed sending the buffer
this.ephemeral_socket.on('error', function (err) {
err.reason = err.message;
err.f = 'send';
err.message = 'Failed sending the buffer';
err.args = arguments;
socket = this.ephemeral_socket;
} else {
// Reuse our socket
socket = this.socket;
// Update the last time this socket was used
// This is used to make the socket ephemeral
// Send the data
this.emit('data', buffer);
socket.send(buffer, 0, buffer.length, this.port, this.host, noop);
// ### function close()
// var client = new lynx('localhost', 8125);
// client.increment("zigzag");
// client.close();
// Closes our socket object after we are done with it
Lynx.prototype.close = function close() {
// User defined socket
if (this.socket) {
this.socket = undefined;
// Ephemeral socket
if (this.ephemeral_socket) {
this.ephemeral_socket = undefined;
// Timer
if (this.last_used_timer) {
this.last_used_timer = undefined;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ streams ~~
// ### function write()
// Implements `Stream.prototype.write()`.
Lynx.prototype.write = function write(buffer) {
// ### function end()
// Implements `Stream.prototype.end()`.
Lynx.prototype.end = function end(buffer) {
// If there's stuff to flush please do
if (arguments.length) {
// Make this not writable
this.writable = false;
// ### function destroy()
// Implements `Stream.prototype.destroy()`. Nothing to do here, we don't
// open any stuff
Lynx.prototype.destroy = function destroy() {
this.writable = false;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ aux ~~
// ### function sample(stats, sample_rate)
// #### @stats {Object} A stats object
// #### @sample_rate {Number} Determines the sampling rate, e.g. how many
// packets should be sent. If set to 0.1 it sends 1 in each 10.
// var lynx = require('lynx');
// lynx.sample(
// { "foo" : "1|c"
// , "bar" : "-1|c"
// , "baz" : "500|ms"
// }, 0.5);
// Will sample this data for a given sample_rate. If a random generated
// number matches that sample_rate then stats get returned and the sample
// rate gets appended ("|@0.5" in this case). Else we get an empty object.
Lynx.sample = function sample(stats, sample_rate) {
// If we don't have a sample rate between 0 and 1
if (typeof sample_rate !== 'number' || sample_rate > 1 || sample_rate < 0) {
// Had to ignore the invalid sample rate
// Most of the times this is because sample_rate is undefined
return stats;
var sampled_stats = {};
// Randomly determine if we should sample this specific instance
if (mt.genrand_real2(0,1) <= sample_rate) {
// Note: Current implementation either sends all stats for a specific
// sample rate or sends none. Makes one wonder if granularity
// should be at the individual stat level
Object.keys(stats).forEach(function construct_sampled(stat) {
var value = stats[stat];
sampled_stats[stat] = value + '|@' + sample_rate;
return sampled_stats;
// ### function _update_last_used()
// An internal function update the last time the socket was
// used. This function is called when the socket is used
// and causes demand allocated ephemeral sockets to be closed
// after a period of inactivity.
Lynx.prototype._update_last_used = function _update_last_used() {
var self = this;
// Only update on the ephemeral socket
if (this.ephemeral_socket) {
// Clear existing timeouts
if (this.last_used_timer) {
// Update last_used_timer
this.last_used_timer = setTimeout(function() {
// If we have an open socket close it
if (self.ephemeral_socket) {
// Delete the socket
delete self.ephemeral_socket;
// ### function default_error_handler()
// #### @err {Object} The error object. Includes:
// err.message, err.*
// Function that defines what to do on error.
// Errors are soft errors, and while interesting they are mostly informative
// A simple console log would do but that doesn't allow people to do
// custom stuff with errors
Lynx.prototype._default_error_handler = function _default_error_handler(e) {
this.emit('error', e);
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ exports ~~
module.exports = Lynx;